01 April 2011


16        Saturday         LAZARUS SATURDAY
7:30am Matins & Divine Liturgy
4:30pm Great Vespers
17        Sunday           PALM SUNDAY
8am Matins & Divine Liturgy
7pm The Bridegroom Service
18        Monday          HOLY MONDAY
8am Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
7pm The Bridegroom Service
19        Tuesday         HOLY TUESDAY
8am Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
7pm The Bridegroom Service
20        Wednesday    HOLY WEDNESDAY
8am Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
3:30pm Service of Holy Unction
7pm Matins of Holy Thursday
Note: Orthodox Christians unable to attend the 
Sacrament of Holy Unction in the afternoon can 
be anointed at the end of the evening service.
21        Thursday        HOLY THURSDAY
5am Vespers & Divine Liturgy of St Basil the great
7pm The Passion Service (reading of the 12 gospels)
22        Friday             GREAT & HOLY FRIDAY
7:30am Royal Hours, Vespers & Service of the removal of
Christ from the Cross
Decoration of the Tomb of Christ will take place following
the morning service.
7pm Service of the Lamentations
23        Saturday         HOLY SATURDAY
6am Vespers & Divine Liturgy of St Basil the great
11pm Commencement of Matins for the Resurrection
24        Sunday           HOLY PASCHA
JESUS CHRIST. Those Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves may receive Holy Communion at the end of the Divine Liturgy which will conclude at 1:45am.
10am Vespers of Love (Agapi)
25        Monday            Bright Monday / St George the greatmartyr
8am (Note: The Church of St George, South Brisbane will
also commence its festal celebrations from 8am)
26        Tuesday          Bright Tuesday / Sts Nicholas, Raphael & Irene
29        Friday              Theotokos of the Life Giving Fountain

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Our Parish Ministries

Ladies Philoptochos - assisting the Church & the disadvantaged in the community. Contact Maria Birbilis - 3849 1776.

Senior Citizens - morning tea & fun socials every Thursday commencing with Paraklisis from 9:30am. Contact Voula James - 3343 4971.

Greek School - Children & Adult Classes, Tuesday & Wedneday afternoons. Contact Christina Koranias - 0423 709 763.

Sunday School - Each Sunday following Holy Communion. Contact Erophylia Castrissios - 3219 8916.

Greek Dance School - for school-aged children each Monday from 4pm. Contact Christina Kalatzis - 0438 721 310.

Music School & Orchestra - Young talented people making music each Wednesday evening. Contact Manuel Pippos - 3324 8291.

Playgroup - Babies to Prep every Wednesday morning from 10am. Contact Eleni Tyson - 0403 248 988.

G.O. Kids - Religious, Cultural & Social group for Preps to year 7's. Contact Zam Stamatellos - 0410 579 026.

G.O. Teens - Religious, Cultural & Social group for Year 8's to year 12's. Contact Maria Toumbas - 3272 4363.

Senior Youth - 18+ Fellowship. Contact Nick Barbouttis - 0413 789 208.