01 April 2011


1          Friday              4th Salutations to the Theotokos 7pm
2          Saturday          Matins & Divine Liturgy 7:30am
3          Sunday            Sunday of St John Climacus 7:30am
4          Monday            Great Compline 4:30pm
5          Tuesday          Great Compline 4:30pm
6          Wednesday     Presanctified Liturgy 7:30am / 4:30pm Great Canon of 
                                    St Andrew of Crete
7          Thursday         Great Compline 4:30pm
8          Friday              Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos 7pm
9          Saturday          Matins & Divine Liturgy 7:30am
10        Sunday            Sunday of St Mary of Egypt 7:30am
13        Wednesday     Presanctified Liturgy 7:30am
15        Friday              Canon of St Lazarus 4:30pm
16        Saturday         LAZARUS SATURDAY 7:30am & 4:30pm
17        Sunday           PALM SUNDAY 8am & 7pm
18        Monday          HOLY MONDAY 8am & 7pm
19        Tuesday         HOLY TUESDAY 8am & 7pm
20        Wednesday    HOLY WEDNESDAY 8am, 3:30pm & 7pm
21        Thursday        HOLY THURSDAY 5am & 7pm
22        Friday             GREAT & HOLY FRIDAY 7:30am & 7pm
23        Saturday         HOLY SATURDAY 6am & 11pm
24        Sunday           HOLY PASCHA 12am & 10am
25        Monday            Bright Monday / St George the greatmartyr 8am
                                    (Church of St George, South Brisbane celebrate their
                                     Church's feast with Matins & Divine Liturgy from
26        Tuesday          Saints Raphael, Nicholas & Irene 8am
29        Friday              Theotokos of the Life-Giving Spring 8am

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Our Parish Ministries

Ladies Philoptochos - assisting the Church & the disadvantaged in the community. Contact Maria Birbilis - 3849 1776.

Senior Citizens - morning tea & fun socials every Thursday commencing with Paraklisis from 9:30am. Contact Voula James - 3343 4971.

Greek School - Children & Adult Classes, Tuesday & Wedneday afternoons. Contact Christina Koranias - 0423 709 763.

Sunday School - Each Sunday following Holy Communion. Contact Erophylia Castrissios - 3219 8916.

Greek Dance School - for school-aged children each Monday from 4pm. Contact Christina Kalatzis - 0438 721 310.

Music School & Orchestra - Young talented people making music each Wednesday evening. Contact Manuel Pippos - 3324 8291.

Playgroup - Babies to Prep every Wednesday morning from 10am. Contact Eleni Tyson - 0403 248 988.

G.O. Kids - Religious, Cultural & Social group for Preps to year 7's. Contact Zam Stamatellos - 0410 579 026.

G.O. Teens - Religious, Cultural & Social group for Year 8's to year 12's. Contact Maria Toumbas - 3272 4363.

Senior Youth - 18+ Fellowship. Contact Nick Barbouttis - 0413 789 208.